onsdag 16 januari 2013

Tusentals försvunna bilder...

Sedan ungefär en månad tillbaka så är tusentals bilder försvunna ur mina fotoalbum här på nätet.

Ett exempel är de tre albumen med bilder från Power Big Meet 2012, totalt var det 1059 bilder i de tre albumen men nu finns där bara 999 bilder kvar.

Mina 368 fotoalbum innehöll 73841 bilder men nu är det inte så längre, flera tusen bilder har försvunnit.

Tjänsten jag använder för att presentera mina bilder på internet heter www.fotki.com och den har väl oftast funkat bra genom åren. Jag har varit betalande kund hos Fotki i 10 år nu och för cirka en månad sedan upptäckte jag att det saknades flera tusen bilder i mina album.

Det har nu sent omsider kommit en förklaring från Fotki och jag kan inte göra annat än hålla tummarna för att de har läget under kontroll.
Hmmm, men jag undrar jag.......

Här nedan är i alla fall svaret på min och alla andra Fotki kunders undran om vad som händer.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1:18 AM

Why some of your photos are not being displayed

Dear Fotkins, We know that many of you wrote to us about photos not being displayed.
Here is the situation: As you all know, at the end of October Hurricane Sandy struck heart of New York City. Estimated losses, due to damage and business interruption, are estimated at $66 billion, which would make it the second-costliest Atlantic hurricane, behind only Hurricane Katrina.
Many data centers in New York were flooded, and they still are not operational. Our data center was hit but only partially. It worked on generators for a while, but it was on. All your photos and videos are safe.
Because of economic reasons we were forced to partially move our servers out.
We are moving them to a new data center.
We took down most of old servers, where mostly older photos and videos were stored.
Please don't panic! We are trying to bring the offline servers back online in a month or so. We will keep you updated as we are work on finding a new home for them.
You, your family and friends are still able to enjoy your recently uploaded photos and videos and most of the old ones. We know you miss your older photos but they will return! Now is the season to make and capture lots of new memories!
Late, but not too late, the whole Fotki team wants to wish you a wonderful year 2013! May it be filled with joy and successes!
Always Yours, Fotki Team

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